
Staff Team

Dr. Ryan Johnson

Lead Pastor


Wife: Megan

Children: Tatum, Caden, Roman, & Maggie

Pastor Ryan and Megan planted New City Church from scratch in 2015. As Lead Pastor, Ryan is the visionary leader of New City, serving as Moderator of the Session, President of the organization, and head of the Teaching Team, Creative Team, and Pastoral Staff. He is also the Executive Director of Metro Atlanta Collective, our local church planting network.  

Megan Johnson

Discipleship Director


Husband: Ryan

Children: Tatum, Caden, Roman, & Maggie

Megan and Ryan founded New City Church in 2015. As Discipleship Director, Megan provides visionary leadership in the area of our Discipleship Pathways, guiding the formation of life-on-life discipleship groups as well as cohorts of various types. Megan also provides for the care and development of our small group leaders. She is also a trusted voice on our Liturgy Team.  Outside of New City Church, Megan is the director of Parakaleo in the Metro Atlanta region, a ministry that provides care and support for the wives of church planters. 

E. Brandon Dean

Associate Pastor

Wife: Alisha

Children: Halle & Maddy

Grandkids: James & Ellah

ON SABBATICAL FROM 9/1/2024 - 11/30/2024

Pastor Brandon has been a part of New City Church since the initial Launch Team. As Associate Pastor, Brandon provides visionary leadership in the areas of Theology, Shepherding and Pastoral Care, Officer Development, and Prayer. Brandon also serves on the Liturgy Team, Creative Team, Teaching Team, and occasionally the Choir. 

Patrick Choi

Family & Young Adults Pastor

Wife: Erica

Children: Haven & David

Patrick and Erica have been a part of New City Church since just after we launched. As Assistant Pastor, Patrick oversees the Family and Young Adult ministries at New City. He and Erica built our student ministry from scratch and provide for the care and development of a team of youth leaders. Patrick is a regular part of our Liturgy Team and Teaching Team and serves in an advisory role on our Session. 

Erica Choi

Engagement & Student Ministries Director

Husband: Patrick 

Children: Haven & David

Erica and Patrick have been a part of New City Church since the early days. Together they developed our student ministry from the ground up and provide for the care and development of a team of youth volunteers. Erica also provides visionary leadership in the area of Engagement, guiding people from when they first visit New City until they are fully engaged and connected Covenant Partners within our church family. She is also a worship leader and part of our Liturgy Team. Outside of New City Church, Erica serves as the Director of Operations for Metro Atlanta Collective, our local church planting network. 

Kelly Shipp

Shepherding and Children's Ministry Director

Husband: Kenny

Children: Emma, Ben, & Everett

Kelly and Kenny have been a part of New City Church since the initial Launch Team. As our Shepherding and Children's Ministry Director, Kelly built our children's ministry, New City Kids, from the ground up and provides for the care and development of a team of children's leaders, teachers, and other volunteers. Kelly has been commissioned as a Shepherd providing care and support for women within the church. Additionally, alongside Pastor Brandon, Kelly provides visionary leadership to a team of commissioned Shepherds who come alongside the officers of the church to care for the flock. 

Kelsi Drake

Children's Ministry Assistant Director

Husband: Stephen

Children: Judah, Zeke, & Lynnlie

Kelsi and Stephen have been a part of New City Church since 2021. As the Children's Ministry Assistant Director, Kelsi provides organizational leadership to our children's ministry, New City Kids. 

Bill Golden

Executive Director

Wife: Karen

Children: Mikayla & Nathan

Bill and Karen have been a part of New City since we were still a portable church plant meeting at Richards Middle School. As our Executive Director, Bill provides for the care and development of the staff team. Bill provides leadership and oversight, as well as shepherding care, as a Ruling Elder on our Session. Outside of New City, Bill serves as Candidates Director for Mission to the World, the global missions arm of the Presbyterian Church in America. 

Mike McAuliff

Missional Communities Director

Wife: Emily

Children: Ella & Ada

Mike and Emily were a part of the initial Launch Team for New City Church. As the Missional Communities Director, Mike provides for the care and development of a team of volunteer leaders who facilitate Missional Communities, one of our core Discipleship Pathways. As a Ruling Elder, Mike provides leadership and oversight, as well as shepherding care, as a part of the Session. He is a regular part of the Liturgy Team and Teaching Team. Outside of New City, Mike is the Executive Director of Youth for Christ in Atlanta.

Catherine Stoffelen

Communications and Design Coordinator

Husband: Greg

Child: Emma Grace

Catherine and Greg have been a part of New City Church since 2023. As our Communications and Design Coordinator, Catherine communicates the gospel of Jesus Christ through the vision and mission of New City Church to our congregation and the greater community. 

David Ly

Facilities Director

Wife: Jessica

Children: Lincoln Brave, Jojo Love, & Benny Fierce

David and Jessica have been a part of New City Church since we were still meeting in a middle school. As our Facilities Director, David engages with the community, our ministry partners, and our Covenant Partners as they utilize the facilities and resources on our church campus. David also serves as an usher and helps his wife who is our Hospitality Director. 

Jessica Ly

Hospitality Director

Husband: David

Children: Lincoln Brave, Jojo Love, & Benny Fierce

Jessica and David have been a part of New City Church since we were still meeting in a middle school. As our Hospitality Director, Jessica makes New City Church feel like home as she leads a team of greeters, ushers, decorators, and hosts who make everyone who comes through our doors feel like they are a part of the family. She also serves as our primary photographer.

Sherry Edwards

Events Coordinator

Husband: Arthur

Children: Wesley & Emily

Sherry and Art have been a part of New City Church since the launch team. As Events Coordinator, Sherry assists our staff team in creating memorable moments within the life of the church. She also comes alongside people during milestone moments like weddings and funerals. Sherry is also one of our shepherds and a part of our Liturgy Team. 

Evan Simmons

Tech Director

Wife: Jenna

Child: Judah

Evan and Jenna have been a part of New City Church since we were still meeting in a Middle School. As our Tech Director, Evan supports the Worship Team, Teaching Team, and Communications Team as he leads a team of volunteers who ensure that the gospel is presented clearly through audio and visual means. Evan also serves as a videographer. 

Residents + Interns

Jorge Vallejo

Church Planting Resident

Wife: Brittany

Children: Nehemiah, Georgia, Moriah, & Isaiah

Jorge and Brittany have been a part of New City Church since the initial Launch Team. Jorge is our first Church Planting Resident and is attending Metro Atlanta Seminary in preparation for planting an Hispanic-speaking church within Gwinnett County. Outside of New City Church, Jorge is the Executive Director of Upper90, a vibrant ministry within the Hispanic community - here in Gwinnett County and also in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. 

Nathan Dunn

Intern - Interim Worship Coordinator

Wife: Megan

Children: Linus & Baby-on-the-way

Nathan and Megan have been a part of New City Church since we were meeting in a Middle School. As our Interim Worship Coordinator, Nathan leads a team of talented musicians as they lead us in times of worship through song. He also gives leadership to our liturgy team. Nathan also serves as a theology teacher and worship leader. Nathan is also a Bible Teacher at Providence Christian Academy. 

Lucas Santos

College and Young Adults Intern

As a missionary kid, Lucas grew up in Brazil and South Africa before his family finally settled in the United States. Lucas developed a love for soccer which led to a scholarship at Bethel College in Indiana, where he majored in Kinesiology and minored in Biblical Studies. He speaks four languages, enjoys working out, playing sports, traveling, board games, and is secretly a nerd for psychology, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and Harry Potter. As our College and Young Adults Intern, Lucas is helping to develop our ministry to young adults and will be focused on launching a ministry at Georgia Gwinnett College and Gwinnett Tech.  

The Session

Ryan Johnson

Teaching Elder / ELT / Moderator

Brandon Dean

Teaching Elder / ELT / Clerk

Bill Golden

Ruling Elder / ELT

Phil White

Ruling Elder / ELT

Jeff Thomas

Ruling Elder / ELT

Mike McAuliff

Ruling Elder

Joe Brand

Ruling Elder

Brian Pettigrew

Ruling Elder

Patrick Choi

Teaching Elder

The Diaconate

Steven Sexton

Deacon | Chairman

Kenny Shipp

Deacon | Secretary

Art Edwards


John Hudson

Deacon | Sabbatical 2024

Antonio da Silva
