Romans 12:10–13
Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

We desire for you to become engaged in the life of New City Church. A great way to get connected is through our Discipleship Pathways - Connect Groups, Community Groups, or Discipleship Groups. Another good step to take is to find a place to serve. If you've been coming a while and New City feels like home, it may be time to consider membership by becoming a Covenant Partner. 

Engagement Track

The purpose of the Engagement Track is to connect you to the life of New City Church. We have designed it to give you a clear pathway to engage, serve, and eventually partner with this body of believers in the mission to which God has called us. First, we will learn about the story of New City, the basics of our beliefs, and a bit about how we have organized our church. Next, we will explore our various Discipleship Pathways, and unpack the ins and outs of your personality, spiritual giftedness, and see how your design reveals your purpose and how you may best fit at New City Church. 

Partnership Track

The purpose of the Partnership Track is to guide you through the process of becoming a member of New City Church - a Covenant Partner - someone who is an active part of the New City covenant family. In Class One we will look at What We Believe - unpacking the vision, mission, and values of New City Church, unpack our core beliefs, and learn a bit about what it means to be Reformed and Presbyterian. In Class Two we will look at how to Join The Family - meeting some of the staff and reviewing the vows we make to one another as members of New City Church. 

Erica Choi | Engagement Director

Engagement Calendar