Discipleship Groups

Colossians 1:28
Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.

There is something truly exceptional about the in-depth, life-on-life kind of transformation that occurs within a committed discipleship group following the method modeled by Jesus.*  Discipleship Groups are gender-specific and are closed to new members once they are formed.


Discipleship groups typically meet every-other-week from September through May. These groups require a high level of commitment and a desire to be vulnerable and grow in Christ.  A typical group will ask you to commit to regular reading assignments, Scripture memory, and faithful attendance to all meetings unless providentially hindered.

Find a Discipleship  Group

Discipleship Groups are typically formed over the summer months. If you are interested in being contacted by a Discipleship Group leader at that time, complete the interest form below. In the meantime, be sure to check out our Cohorts and Missional Communities to get connected.
*Read The Master Plan of Evangelism to learn about Jesus' method.

Megan Johnson | Discipleship Director